Archive for October, 2007

Toplist, SOA and Participation

October 30th, 2007

I have just constructed a links toplist for the website, which can be accessed here. I now seek feedback on the functionality of the list, and whether there are any other high quality sites that you think should be linked. I was thinking of ASFAR, for starters. When we’re all happy with the section, I shall link […]

CEOP, Educational Policy and ‘Protection of Children’

October 28th, 2007

One of the great problems of modern society is that people lack the ability for independent thought. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the post-War generations. Raised on a diet of materialism, television advertising and the spoon-fed government-enforced propaganda of compulsory education, they grow into adults who have no thoughts that have not been […]

Failure to discriminate…

October 23rd, 2007

“The victimologist’s pedophile barrel needs to be upended on the laboratory bench and its contents carefully identified and sorted by impartial examiners. Those items lacking scientific credibility need to be discarded, and new containers found for some others. A few, such as the first of the above described scenarios, can be correctly placed back in […]


October 9th, 2007

Don’t get me wrong. I do not oppose provocative imagery or ideas. But occasionally, something just comes along and reaffirms my belief that various members of a certain political movement do not value the interests of young people or even their own stated ideals as highly as they claim. In fact, all that today’s self-styled pedo-hunter, confirmed Nazi […]

The Cult of Crotch Politics: Two Stories…

October 5th, 2007

Per special request…the following is a repost of content, from “The Life and Times of an Atheist Boylover”. They keep doing it… They keep trying to connect two, entirely separate…two entirely different…two very opposite types of circumstances, and making as though they are inherently connected…inseparable, even…one and the same… …pitting them….one against the other… Two […]