Archive for the 'Raven' Category

“The Persecution Delusion” Delusion (A response to Wikisposure)

December 16th, 2007

Nobody likes to be called a bully—and how an individual or a group of people get into a position of power in which they can fill the shoes of “the bully” is a cultural barometer used time and again to evaluate the actions of the great bullies of history—yet we have seen recently the rise […]

The Notebooks of Thomas Anonymous

August 29th, 2007

Working Preface: The Notebooks of Thomas Anonymous When you’ve been around as long as I have… back in the early to mid 1990s [it] was a sort of renaissance for boylove culture due to the advent and functionality of the Internet. We had passed through the early activist days of the pedo-gay alliance, navigated through […]

The Educated Imagination: A Pedophile’s Appropriation of Northrop Frye’s Radical Pedagogy

August 13th, 2007

Greetings fellow childlovers, humanlovers and occasional “troll”. So I was doing a little light reading on literary criticism in a wonderfully accessible book entitled “The Educated Imagination” by the late Canadian critic Northrop Frye. I was turned on to this book by my own mentor and teacher who said during a “bitch session” over coffee, […]