The Leadership Council

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The Leadership Council is a Philadelphia based "nonprofit" organisation of medics and academics of child abuse/trauma, who use pseudoscientific "research" and advocacy, in an attempt legitimise the vague, esoteric and unfounded psychiatric trauma theories that doubtless provide a basis for their and their allies' "expertise" and paid work. It can be seen as a pressure group for further medicalisation of human behaviour, and the east coast economy, paying little attention to the negative consequences of its advocacy work.

The council is notable for publishing Stephanie Dallam's poorly researched critique of Rind et al.

The current president is Paul J. Fink - a former president of the APA. The official HQ of the council corrresponds to the address of Fink's apartment, in a suburb of Philadelphia, within roughly equal walking distance of his place of work and Temple University - where Bruce Rind was working when he published his famous study.