User talk:MAPCrusader

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File Size

Is there any way you can get your file size for flyers down? A lot of them seem like they could be reduced effectively. --JohnHolt (talk) 20:13, 6 November 2021 (UTC)

Having had a look, files are generally available in smaller sizes and don't load full size til you click on the preview, which is fine for the larger flyers. Smaller web graphics like penguin type graphics could have their originals cut down to something like 800x800 surely? --JohnHolt (talk) 21:48, 6 November 2021 (UTC)

Positive Memories

Please confirm you understand templating, and I'll template this gallery and copy it to the Testimony project. --The Admins (talk) 00:55, 22 November 2021 (UTC)


But please delete old and no longer used versions of a file, or just overwrite the file and delete the old version (no need to edit the page). If this is not in the power of your account, let me know. --The Admins (talk) 06:12, 14 March 2022 (UTC)