Gay Men's Press (GMP): Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "'''Gay Men's Press (GMP)''' was a publisher of books based in London, United Kingdom. Founded in 1979, the imprint was run until 2000 by its founders Aubrey Walter, David Fernbach, and Richard Dipple. GMP was a pioneer publisher for the gay community, releasing at least 300 titles. Many of their publications have themes of pederasty / boy-love, including The Age Taboo (1981) which featured contributions by one of NAMBLA's founders Tom Reeves, the 1st open...")
(No difference)

Revision as of 00:10, 10 March 2024

Gay Men's Press (GMP) was a publisher of books based in London, United Kingdom. Founded in 1979, the imprint was run until 2000 by its founders Aubrey Walter, David Fernbach, and Richard Dipple. GMP was a pioneer publisher for the gay community, releasing at least 300 titles. Many of their publications have themes of pederasty / boy-love, including The Age Taboo (1981) which featured contributions by one of NAMBLA's founders Tom Reeves, the 1st openly self-identified British "paedophile" Roger Moody, and Queer theorist Gayle Rubin. GMP also published the Paidika compilation book Dares to Speak: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Boy-love (ed. by Joseph Geraci, 1997), the fiction of open pedophile Tony Duvert, and classic defenses of same-sex attraction to all ages (i.e. homosexuality) like those of Nobel Prize winner Andre Gide.

In 1983 Gay Men's Press published the children's book Jenny Lives with Eric and Martin. This prompted the introduction of the Section 28 of the Local Government Act 1988, which forbade the "promotion of homosexuality" by local government, after the Daily Mail, a tabloid newspaper, reported that a copy of the book was provided in the library of a school run by the left-wing, Labour-controlled Inner London Education Authority. This could be viewed as a past example of "save the children" / moral panics around LGBTQ+ books in schools, which received popular media attention in the 2010's and 2020's.
