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Vereniging Martijn


I don't know which is correct or better:

mail: Postbus 5478, NL-1007 AL Amsterdam, Netherlands

mail: Postbox 93548, NL-1090 EA Amsterdam, Netherlands

Existing, but [probably] in poor organisational health. It is the second largest ped organisation in the world (after NAMBLA). Its main activility is to publish OK Magazine, which no longer appears regularly.

Was expulsed from ILGA 1994 as a pedophile organization. (private e-mail)

It [the problem] started last fall after the International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA), a worldwide coalition of some 350 diverse gay groups including NAMBLA and the Dutch pedophile group Vereniging Martijn, was granted the important 'consultative member' status by the UN's Economic and Social Council." (Hartinger, Brent. 1994. Separating the men from the boys. 10 Percent, Sept/Oct, p. 46)