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Different Types of Pedosexual Relationships

Even if we consider only consensual relationships and not abusive relations, we have to distinguish different types of relations.

Naerssen distinguishes the following four types:

  1. Fun and games. This relationship gives a person the opportunity to realize the sensation of sexual pleasures in a context that is playful and non-committed.
  2. The affective. In the relationship, love, friendship, or other forms of emotional attachment are important to a person and he tries to get as much satisfaction as possible.
  3. The economic. The interactions are regulated by means of a financial agreement. The boy defines his role as a prostitute, the man sees sex as a commodity he has to pay for.
  4. Seuxal identity formation or exploration. One or both partners explore what sexuality means to them. The sexual interaction can be casual and not very important, or the most meaningful way to develop emotional bonding with a person and to define oneself as a sexual being.