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About Volitional Pedosexual Relations

Among all pedosexual relations, volitional relations have high prevalence - the majority of sexual relations with boys are volitional. Girls react more negatively, but the part of girls with non-negative reaction is much higher than expected by the public opinion - about one third.

Free, volitional sex is a nice for everybody - for children too. In volitional relations with adults, the children have equal power, they decide what happens sexually. They often actively partizipate and even initiate sexual relations with adults. Relations may be of different types - fun and games, love, self-exploration.

The sexual techniques depend on different things. More advanced techniques are less distributed in general, and for younger children the techniques are less advanced. Roughly speaking, they coinside with the techniques typical for sex-play with age-mates.

There are one-time contacts, but there are also long relations. The sexual part of the relation usually ends if the child becomes an adult, but at least sometimes transforms into a life-time friendship.

Sex in itself is healthy. There is not very much research about the effects of consensual pedosexual experiences, but the available research shows neutral or positive influence on later life.

Consensual pedosexual relations are forbidden by age-of-consent laws. There is a natural desire of society to protect children from abusive sexual experiences. But for consensual relations these laws and their consequences are dangerous and harmful.

Some interesting experiences:

Effects of Consensual Pedosexual Relations

Sandfort 1994 has found that boys with only consensual sexual experiences are now more satisfied with their sexual lives, more easily aroused, have significant stronger sexual desire and are less fearful of sexual contact, than boys without sexual experience.

Straver (quoted by Sandfort 1979, p.139) sees three possible effects of sexual relationships with an adult upon a younger partner:

It would be quite wrong, then, to say that most of the benefits of such a relationship goes to the adult. (Brongersma 1990, p.323-324)

There are a lot of possible benefits: "greater inner freedom, better and more complex understanding of himself, less anxiety, less aggression, better sexual information, fewer "adolescent problems", less sexual obsession, a more positive attitude toward nakedness, opportunity to discuss openly the most intimate matters, real instruction and practice in sexual activities combined with tenderness and respect for the partner, non-opressive self-control, a better balanced personality. There is an opprotunity here for a boy neglected by his parents to find a substitute father." (Brongersma 1990, p.324)

Unfortunately, most research mingles such consensual experiences with coercive,abusive experiences. The results of such sexual abuse research does not give much information about consensual, volitional relations. The harm shown in such research seems to be related with coercion, the persecution process and general sexual repression.

See also some discussion.

See also