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The Role of Pedophile Groups

In pedophile self-help groups and organizations pedophiles can discuss the problem related with their sexual orientation and the persecution. Even the fact that he is not alone may be a great help. Participation in such groups can lead to higher self-acceptance and a positive self-image as pedophile. Thus, participation in such groups has a therapeutic value.

Even the police recognizes that members of pedophile groups cause less problems compared with loners.

from private e-mail

With the state of my 'archives' at present, I doubt that I could find the documentation on this -- but about a decade ago, the notorious Lt. William Thorne (chief of the Pedophile Squad in a large New Jersey county) publicly stated, a few years after he had arrested and prosecuted quite a few 'pedophiles' (mostly involved with teenage boys, and thus not technically PEDOphiles), that "We don't have to worry about the men who are involved in organizations like NAMBLA, it is the loners who are a problem."