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Bias of Scientists

The question we discuss in this file is the following:

Are the arguments of pedophile scientist biased?

It is common to ignore any arguments from anybody who has some pedophile feelings simply as biased and "perps rationalization". Is this justified?
  1. Falsification of scientific results is a serious accusation. That the pedophile has a motive to do such things does not prove that he does it. Thus, knowing that an author is pedophile does not give you the right to ignore his scientific results or a description of his experiences.
  2. Arguments are argument, independent of their source. You have to find countrarguments. Even if the author is not serious, his argument may be.
  3. Remark, that people from the other side are also often biased. The mechanism of suppression own feelings by fighting against other people which openly stand for these feelings is well-known. In the case of homosexual feelings, this is known as homophobia. Pedophile feelings are more distributed and much more suppressed. Thus, we can assume, that pedophobia is much more common as homophobia.
  4. Remark, that pedophile feelings are widely distributed. If Lamberts opinion is correct, every adult is suspect.
  5. An open pedophile at least recognizes that he is biased. This allows him to control his own results from this point of view. A pedophobe usually does not recognize his bias, and that's why he is not able to control it.
  6. Pedophiles have some insight into the problem other people have not. It is easier for them to get information from other pedophiles or involved children. Other people are often restricted to non-representative subgroups like imprisoned pedophiles.
  7. In many other domains of knowledge, some personal experience is often considered as a necessary condition for being taken seriously. Or, will you consider a sex book written by an eunuch as more serious?

But, last not least, every serious scientist knows that his personal interest can have an influence on his results. Doubt is necessary considering every result. Remark, that this is a good quality criterion for scientists: If a scientist shows no doubt that his results are correct, he is usually not a serious scientist.