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Introducing AMBLA

AMBLA is a regular attendant at the annual IPCE (International Paedophile and Child Emancipation) Conference. In 1994, following inquiries from Australia, AMBLA changed its name from the AOTEAROA MAN/BOY-LOVE ASSOCIATION to the AUSTRALASIAN MBLA, to help fill this gap in our international community. We do not, by the way, exchange secret handshakes etc. like the freemasons, as is claimed by the fantasy writers on paedophilia such as O'Grady from ECPAT.

AMBLA is not an exclusively paedophile organisation, but it is supportive of paedophiles. Amongst boy-lovers, paedophiles are clearly the most oppressed group (in the West), and are probably second only to children themselves in the extent of the oppression. We consider other subordination equally important; none of us are free unless all of us are free.

We are committed to the principles of an open, liberal-democratic society as our only legitimate means of redress. As citizens of a liberal democracy, boy-lovers have the right to organise for the purpose, firstly (and given the lies most importantly) to know ourselves. To know ourselves spiritually as well as personally, and to represent our conscience. Secondly, we have the right in a liberal democracy to organise for interest-articulation and interest representation. That is what AMBLA exists for. It has never been more than that. That is what is now threatened in Australia, perhaps only because of the ambiguous wording of the `Report' and the terms of the consequent Inquiry.