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O'Carroll T.

Paedophilia - The Radical Case

London: Peter Owen (1980)

See also an experience, about sexual attitudes of criminals.

If "you believe people should be free to 'do their thing', then what can be more liberating and subversive than representations of people freely 'doing their thing'?" (p.192)

While society continues to consider the man/boy relationship a most problematic phenomenon, for the boy, looking for love, it is no problem at all - it is, in fact, the solution to his problem (p.181)

A female politician in the American state of Maine proposed a law whereby a man guilty of sexual offenses involving children would have the nerves inside of his penis which control erection surgically removed (p.237)

"Sexual dysfunction is nearly always attributable to the failure of parents to take a positive attitude to their child's capacity for sexual pleasure" (p.96 quoting Yates).

"Half of all marriages in the United States are troubled by sexual failures, difficulties and incompatibilities" (p.96)

In itself the powerful influence of the adult is neither negative nor positive; it all depends upon how the man uses it. The adult has a greater propensity for good as well as for evil than the child. (p. 166)

A social worker in Los Angeles observed, "Now it might be that even if we had the intake centres where we could rehabilitate the boy, he would say to us, 'Go to hell, man, I like peddling my ass.'" (p.183)

cited by Brongersma 1990, p.78, 82, 139, 205, 321.