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Money J. & Weinrich, J.D.

Juvenile, Pedophile, Heterophile: Hermeneutics of Science, Medicine and Law in Two Outcome Studies

International Journal of Medicine and Law, nr.2: 33-54 (1983)

Short Reviews

Unusually detailed investigation of two consensual long-term "pedophiliac" relationships. Long-term, prospective case studies find relationships to be non-harmful and possibly beneficial for both partners.


from an anonymous posting

John Money followed two ongoing relationships between boys and men which began before puberty, lasting through ages 18 and 20, respectively. In the first case, the boy was lacking in parental affection, and clearly searching for someone to fill the void. He considered his older lover "just as normal as anyone else." The man lived with the boy's family and helped with homework, rent, transportation, advice on contraception and avoiding drugs. Of his friend, the boy said: "He is like a second father to me."

The second case was more of a friendship. The boy described his friend: "He's neat; and he's nice, and gives me more respect than anyone ever has...he treats me like an adult, not like my parents treat me. To me, he's my best friend." According to Money:"(the boy) did not dislike his parents, nor was he rebellious toward them... He did not need Don as a surrogate parent, but as an older buddy." Money found no indications of abuse in either relationship.
