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Kinsey A.C. et. al.

Sexual Behaviour in the Human Female

Saunders, Philadelphia (1953)

from Bullough 1990, p.78-79

24% [of his female subjects] had had prepubertal experiences ("prepubertal" being defined as "age 13 or under") in which an adult male has established sexual contacts with them or appeared to be making a sexual type of approach. The most frequent type of contact made by the male was that of showing his genital organs, which occurred in approximately 52% of the cases reporting contact with adults. In 31% of the cases, the adult patted the child in an intimate way but did not touch the sex organs, and in 22% of the cases, there was contact with the child's sex organs (The total is more than 100% because some had more than one contact.)

Approximately 80% of the women who reported having sexual contacts with adults as children as defined by Kinsey (under 13 and making approaches) had but 1 experience in childhood, 15% had less than 6 experiences, and 5% had 10 or more as preadolescents. Kinsey reported that when repetitions did occur (usually with adult relatives living in the same household), the child was aggressive in seeking the experience. Again, few contacts (only 0.7% of the total female sample) involved actual penetration (p.116-122).