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Incest and Sexual Feelings of Children

Children can have sexual feeling to their parents. Here you can find some examples.


Janus1981 p.97

[p.97] "I started masturbating when I was ten or eleven, and I remember clearly getting erections in the water while my mother and aunt were bathing me, and yet it didn't bother them."

(Brongersma 1990, p.51)

Janus1981 p.101

[p.101] "I can remember once when I was very little lying in bed with my mother, holding her, and feeling myself get an erection. [...] I wasn't even ten years old, but she didn't seem to mind at all; she just hugged me and kept me with her that night the same as always."

(Brongersma 1990, p.51)

Bernard1979 p.18

[p.18] Dr. Bernard quotes a 12-year-old who told to him, "If my father did it with me I wouldn't mind at all, but I wouldn't like to do it with my mother."

(Brongersma 1990, p.51)

Stekel1925 p.516-517

[p.516-517] One of Stekel's patients remembered how, when he was a boy, "his father jumped from his bed to discipline one of his brothers. His father's imposing genitals swung to and fro while this was going on. It impressed him deeply." The man wrote: "I now remember often having had the burning desire to play with those genitals, to take the big phallus in my hand and fondle those giant balls which rolled back and forth so neatly and easily. To me my father's genitals were absolutely enormous, things to be admired..."

(Brongersma 1990, p.52)

Revolt July 1972

The initiative may come from the boy. The Swedish monthly Revolt (July 1972) wrote about a 15-year-old boy who always tried to creep into his father's bed in order to grasp the man's penis and suck it.

(Brongersma 1990, p.52)