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Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD)

The diagnosis MPD itself is highly disputed:

The political writer Bob Chatelle writes: "The "symptoms" of MPD are most often therapy induced, but true cases may exist. Nevertheless, no evidence supports the hypothesis that MPD, should it exist, is caused by childhood sexual abuse. The late psychologist, Dr. Nicholas Spanos, in his book Multiple Personalities & False Memories has argued persuasively that MPD is not a psychiatric disorder but rather a cultural construct."

Gail Macdonald has written a book named "Making Of An Illness: My Experience With Multiple Personality Disorder";

Despite this, some papers about MPD and sexual abuse:

Sanders & Becker-Lausen 1995 have developed a "Child Abuse and Trauma Scale" and found extremely high scores among subjects with a diagnosis of Multiple Personality Disorder. Murray 1993 has reviewed research into the "relationship between childhood sexual abuse and borderline personality disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, and multiple personality disorder. Evidence that such a relationship exists appears convincing."

Instead, Beitchman 1992 concludes "there is insufficient evidence to confirm a relation between a history of childhood sexual abuse and a postsexual abuse syndrome and multiple or borderline personality disorder."