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Munich, October 1995

VSG leaves ILGA

The Munich gay group "Verein fuer sexuelle Gleichberechtigung" (Society for Sexual Equality, VSG) has ended its membership of the International Lesbian and Bay Association (ILGA). The VSG has taken this step to protest against the ILGA's break with the principles of gay solidarity and sexual self-determination for everybody.

In June 1994, reacting to pressure from the American right wing, the ILGA had expelled three allegedly pedophile groups. In this way it wanted to preserve its consultative status at the United Nations. Nevertheless, this status was suspended in September 1994. The reason was the ILGA membership of VSG, an organization that has declared its solidarity with pedophile gays (previously also a policy of ILGA) and among other things has spoken up for the decriminalization of consensual pedosexuality.

In June 1995, the ILGA affirmed as one of its aims the protection of children from sexual exploitation and abuse. On the other hand, it gave up its former condemnation of sexual suppression of children and young persons by "age of consent" laws. It "categorically stated that the ILGA does not in any way seek to promote or seek the legalization of pedophilia." The ILGA demands of all its members that they endorse this new principle.

Above all things, it is the human right of sexual self-determination to which the gay and lesbian movement must be committed. The ILGA has betrayed this aim by its one-sided interpretation which ignores every individual's right to consensual sexuality. By its flat refusal to stand up against legal persecution of consensual sexuality between adults and children, the ILGA is discriminating against all pedophile gays and lesbians. It thus continues the opportunistic policy it started in 1994.

A gay and lesbian organization that itself discriminates against a minority among gays and lesbians is not credible. The VSG cannot endorse such a policy.

VSG Verein fur sexuelle Gleichberechtigung e. V. Schwulengruppe (gay group)

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