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The Age Trap

There is an interesting observation about the typical age and the sexual technics in discussions about pedophilia and in real pedophile relations. If the preferred age of most pedophiles is not below 10 years, in discussions very often sex with preschool children is discussed. And, if the most usual technique is masturbation, the more advanced techniques (anal and oral sex) are much more often discussed.

This obviously leads to a wrong impression about typical age and typical techniques of pedophile relations, thus it seems useful to avoid this. But the other side is obviously interested in discussing more extremal ages and technique.

There are some simple techniques to reach this which are hard to avoid. The simplest is the following:

What do you think is the lowest appropriate age for sex?

This is obviously an incorrect question, because it suggests that there is a lowest age for sex. To answer with any age will lead to one of the follwing results:

Only a clear response that sentencing somebody for a volitional sexual contact is always injustice avoids the first three points, but not the last. You immediately will be faced with the problem of anal sex with toddlers. At least in a discussion with restricted resources (like a TV discussion) it is necessary to break down such inappropriate discussion with a remark like the following:

Do you want to discuss pedophilia or some artificial possibilities which play no role in real statistics? Let's return to typical pedophile relations like masturbation with 12-year-old boys.
Moreover, this allows (if questioned) to point to results about the pedophile preferences and the frequency of different techniques in pedosexual relations.