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The bonobos are our closest relatives (together with the chimpanzee). Their sexual behavior is very interesting: they have sex in all age and sex combinations. Obviously not only for procreation. See de Waal 1990).

Similar results I have found in a USENET post:

The Bonobos group I read about were studied in their natural setting. Both because they're not as populace as Chimps, and, perhaps, because of their brazen sexuality, grants to study them aren't all that common.

The following behaviors were common.

Sex in exchange for goods: Females would often use sex as a means to get a portion of a tasty fruit from a male.

Sex with same sex partners: Preadolescent males fellated each other routinely (many times daily). This behavior seemed common to all males in the troup, and not just to a few.

Adult males did not, aparently, engage in this activity, with either immature males, or mature males.

Females engaged in direct Vulva to Vulva "intercourse" routinely. Adult females, that is.

Sex with juveniles: Females were observed in sexual activities with immature males. Mature males frequently "cavorted" sexually with immature females. No penetration was ever observed, but the sexual connotation of the play was obvious.

Other unusual behavior: This is the only animal, besides man (that I'm aware of) that mates in a "missionary" position. This position is preferred by the females, but is not "natural." Frequently, when mating with the males, the sex will start out from the rear, and the female will manipulate their position so they wind up in a standard missionary pose. They also seem to practice sexual extension techniques, enjoying much longer sexual contact than other monkeys, but also not "thrusting away" as fast as possible.

Sex, for the Bonobos, appears to be a strong part of their social "glue," and is not exclusive to any dominant individual, or individuals, but rather is exchanged among all members of the troup.