[Base] [Index] [German]

Access Restrictions

These pages are located in The Independent Net - outside of the jurisdiction of any country of the world. Attempts to apply the jurisdiction of any particular country against these pages are therefore an aggression against my basic right as a net citizen - the right to publish in the net.

On the other hand, I support the right of everybody to make informed decisions what to read things he doesn't like. This is possible without any censorship - based on the idea of rating, as described in the Platform for Internet Content Selection. I have rated these Web-Pages using the Internet Rating Standard defined by SafeSurf. Other classifications will be also supported. NetNanny, Cyber Patrol and CYBERsitter have been informed that these pages have the "adult only" status. The available software allows you to restrict the access of your children to these pages. That's why I cannot be hold responsible for access of children to these pages.

Sexually Explicit

This library contains explicit descriptions of sexual experiences (including pedosexual, sado-masochistic and other sexual deviations) and other sexual information.

The PRD is not designed to collect erotical or pornographical data. It contains no pictures. But it is designed to contain descriptions of real pedosexual experiences, including all possible variants, as a base for discussion of the related problems. Don't use these pages if you feel offended by descriptions of sexual behaviour especially of or with children.

Adults Only

I don't believe that reading about sex is harmful for children. Moreover, I believe that children have a right to receive information, including information about sex.

Nonetheless, please don't allow your children to access these pages. These pages are designed to discuss between adults the question if access of children to sexual information is ok or not, but they are not designed to distribute sexual information between children.