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About Ilja

I'm German, also a scientific worker, and have agreed to manage the PRD because Mike is no longer interested.

I'm scientist. My interest is more concentrated on the scientific results, so this will be the main direction of further development of the PRD. The scientific study of harm caused by pedophile relations is very interesting - not only from scientific point of view. We can also observe scientists in a situation with a moral taboo, and how they react.

I'm anarchist. The current hystery against pedophiles is a nice example of failure of democracy. It moves into the direction of a tyranny of the "moral majority".

It would have been a great loss if the whole stuff collected in the PRD would not be updated. That's why I have agreed to do this. But I'm unable to do all what was intended initially. So, I have decided to concentrate on the main strength of the PRD - the collection of scientific papers and the overviews with a lot of links so that you can easily find background information.