[Base] [Index] [German]

External links into the PRD

To create a good design, I need some freedom for redesigning. This includes some freedom in changing filenames, replacing information from one file to another, changing file-internal names, removing invalid information and so on. Such redesign can make external links into the PRD invalid. To avoid this, I can offer you to inform you about such changes, if you inform me about the internal URL you have included into your pages.

If you use one URL's listed in the following, this will not be necessary. I have no plan to change them in the future.

In the following, ~prd refers to the initial part of the URL which may be different for different mirrors of the PRD. It may be the basic installation at http://www.c2.org/~prd or another, may be even your local installation.

English home page

is the basic page of the PRD, the english home page. I have moved it from home.html to index.html, because this allows on most WWW-servers to omit the filename completely.

foreign language home page

If there is some information in some language (even if it is only a simple bibliographical reference) a home page for this language will be created to allow access to this information. For the language, we use a single word in English, beginning with a single uppercase letter, for example German. The related home page name will be


Some basic directories

For different problems I use subdirectories. For the names, I use some English keyword or abbreviations of such keywords, in lowercase letters. For each subdirectory, there will be an index file:


In in a different language the same problem is considered, the same (that means the English) keyword will be used to name the subdirectory:


Some warranty there will be for the survival of the following keywords: