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PRD Frequently Asked Questions

If you have problems, ideas, remarks etc., you can contact the staff at mike@alpha.c2.org. But, please read this file instead of asking one of the following questions:

Summary of Questions

See also


Are there pictures?

No. The PRD does not collect any pictures, stories or other erotica. Please look elsewhere for such things. To send me e-mail asking for more information makes no sense.

Is there more information available?

No. To send me an e-mail asking for more information makes no sense. I have access to information sources which I do not include into the PRD, but I do not include this information also into any e-mail.

Can you help me to establish contacts?

No. This is not the purpose of the PRD. To send me an e-mail asking for contacts makes no sense.

Can you help me to find something in the PRD?

Sorry, no time :-(. May be, if you find somthing interesting only after a long search, you can guess me to include some links to make it easier for other users?

Where is the most actual version of the PRD installed?

The most actual version of the PRD is currently installed at http://www.c2.org/~prd/