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Self-Introduction of the Pedo Group of the VSG

Pedo-Selfhelp- and Emancipation Group Munich
c/o Verein fuer sexuelle Gleichberechtigung e.V. (V S G)
P.O.Box 15 22 08
D-80052 Munich

Meetings: Every first Wednesday in the month at 8:00 p.m. in the "Suedtreff 44", rear building of Muellerstr.44. We also can be contacted by mail over the P.O.Box of the VSG or by email at: Olaf.Reitel@munich.netsurf.de

Since 1979, an open pedo-emancipation group has existed in Munich. Today's group sees itself as a self-help/discussion group where pedophiles with either homosexual or heterosexual orientation can discuss with like-minded persons all the possible aspects of "pedo-living". Those attending irregularly or only one time are also welcome.

As the past has shown, in many cases our group is the first and only place for pedophiles from all of Southern Germany and Austria to meet, share experiences and get advice in psychological, social and legal problems. Here pedophiles can realize that they are not alone and thus regain their often damaged self-respect.

Moreover, ethical questions of sexuality between children, youth and adults are mutually debated and clarified. Starting from this base, the group is attempting to build up its public activity (through self-emancipation to social/political emancipation).

Letters received will be handled with the greatest possible discretion. No addresses will be handed out without permission.

In no case, can and will the pedo-group make available the addresses of minors. Likewise, the group cannot and will not serve as a venue for the exchange or distribution of relevant pornographic magazines or films/videos. This would be contradictory to the principles of the self-help and emancipation group and the aims of the [umbrella gay group] VSG.

Because of organizational difficulties we cannot provide any addresses for penfriendships between pedophiles. You are however welcome to personally visit us any time.

We are looking forward to your visit.

For donations and payments to the group:

VSG-account number 6832-808, Postgiro Munich, BLZ 700 100 80,
Code-word: P-group.
V.i.S.d.P.: VSG e.V., Postbox 15 22 08, 80052 Muenchen, E.i.S.,