Archive for the 'Steve D' Category

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Walking a Million Miles…

November 12th, 2007

Doctor Edward Brongersma once noted, the abrupt dismissal of his work (his research, books, etc) by a reporter… …The grounds, upon which this hasty dismissal was based, you might be wondering…was the simple fact that Dr. Brongersma, himself, was a passionately engaged member of the very class of people, who he was advocating (some would […]

The Cult of Crotch Politics: Two Stories…

October 5th, 2007

Per special request…the following is a repost of content, from “The Life and Times of an Atheist Boylover”. They keep doing it… They keep trying to connect two, entirely separate…two entirely different…two very opposite types of circumstances, and making as though they are inherently connected…inseparable, even…one and the same… …pitting them….one against the other… Two […]

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