My Safety Rules for Cyberspace

First off, let's state the rules that I have offered to other kids on other sites. This is a start:

Internet safety rules for kids
Cyberspace is a very special place, where your mind and your personality can roam free, without the limitations of who you are or where you live. Many times people take on a whole other personality than the one they have when limited by parents and teachers. Cyberspace is for exchanging thoughts and ideas. Many adults don't understand this. In order to really enjoy cyberspace, you need to separate your mind from your reality, and follow a few simple rules.

My second issue is the lack of understanding of what cyberspace is all about. Perhaps it just comes easier to the younger generation. Maybe we need to define the words "real" and "virtual". These two are opposites. Real is not the opposite of fake. Real implies the physical. Virtual refers to the mental, the intellectual. The virtual allows us to transcend the physical world. In this sense, the internet is the most awesome virtual tool ever conceived. Gutenberg and Sarnoff took pretty good stabs at it also....interesting how advances in this area seemed to scare the shit out of the parents of the day.

I have much to say about cyberspace, the virtual world, but briefly I think it is important to appreciate it's characteristics and it's freedoms. We should not be overly concerned that it does not conveniently fit in as a sub-culture of our comfortable, traditional physical existence. It is possible, and from my standpoint necessary, that my dealings with you not enter into the "real" world. I wish to explore ideas, concepts, beliefs with you. Perhaps work together on some "project" in cyberspace. It was necessary for me to agree to some basic rules, in order to obtain the trust and freedom that has been extended to me, both by my mother and by my mentor. Knowledge is everything to me. I am sorry if you don't see it that way. There is no good way to establish any contact with you in the real world, not at my age. I have no doubt that most of you would be delightful friends. But this is just beyond possibility right now.

So what am I afraid of? Well, government is my first fear. I think that's a healthy thing no matter where you are in history. But more specifically, I fear having those who would try to hurt me (the Child Welfare people, of course) finding out where I am in the real world. This primarily means our real e-mail address, ISP, etc. I had been a bit concerned about not loosing a Geocities site again, but I've learned the magic trick...never use the "B" word. There are good God-fearing people right now running search engines on Geocities, Tripod, and the like, looking for words that make them nervous. Then in the name of "consumer activism" they threaten to boycott everyone remotely connected with the provider. My site on Geocities has nothing to do with intergenerational sex. It has to do with intergenerational mistrust. Maybe that will be the next forbidden subject.
Update: Wrong again, Geocities shut down my site the first thing Monday morning after I announced myself here on FPC on a Saturday. It took no time at all for these mobsters to again threaten Geocities, which is becoming quite easy to do it seems, that they should not host a site from an admitted .... what is it that I am anyway .... what is my crime? I forget sometimes just what it is about me that is so terrible that they have to keep trying to silence me.

I have several wonderful cyberfriends, with whom I share all my thoughts, hopes, and fears. We work together on cyber-projects. Who knows where these friendships will lead someday? Increasingly, I owe much of my education to the help that these folks provide. But none of them know where I am. That's just how it is. I'm sorry if this seems suspicious to you. I've had a bad experience with my picture, and now many more local people are getting on the internet. So that's gone by the wayside as well. If you want to work with me, I am open to all. But it has to be by my rules.

More Safety Rules (from the old site)

The Rights of Kids in the Digital Age

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