Frequently Asked Questions

I don't chat. I am a writer. I live with my dictionary and thesaurus next to my keyboard, and I try to say meaningful things by slowly composing and editing my thoughts. I don't talk this way. I don't think well "on my feet", and I am not an effective public speaker. My voice lacks the authority of deep melodeous tones, and still cracks a little on occassion. I have tried local chatting on a local BBS, and find it disasterous. In addition, I cannot run the software necessary to do IRC, and what little I can do from my ISP's local BBS reveals my real e-mail address.

Because of my hardware, I didn't post on BoyChat until recently, when I obtained access to a UNIX box running Lynx. A.S.B-L is a little wild for my taste. In order to protect my real identity, and for a long time my free web sites on Geocities, I have never advertised my web sites. Most of my visitors have linked in from David Alejandro's "Stop Protecting Me!", or been invited or referred.

No, I don't. In sixth grade I took a little course (it took me) in South American language and culture, and I am surprised to find that I remember some grammar. The inspiration I got from David Alejandro in his early days was overwhelming. At the time he knew no English. If I wanted to relate to him, I had to handle myself in Spanish. The public library provided the dictionaries and textbooks, and David provided the motivation. I can write in Spanish, as long as the reader has a good sense of humor. I read very little unless the writer takes the time to make it very simple, which is more of a task than it sounds. I speak none at all. I did some translations for David (his kids only section, long before he included it on his site) and it was really funny, the two of us trying to translate what he wrote, and the responses of the kids he was interviewing, and neither of us able to understand the other. Since then we have both found people to translate some pages for us, but I still prefer to write for my readers direcyly in Spanish, as painful as that may be for both of us. I have recently removed the Spanish section of my site, small as it was, because of declining response from Spanish-speaking visitors.
**Update** I have removed the Spanish pages on my site. I got very little reaction to them and it was a real tough job since they were original, and not translations. I came across better that way, but no one mentions them anymore.

IS "SPIKE" YOUR REAL NICKNAME? No, it is a pseudonym I use on the internet. I have learned much about privacy in cyberspace, and have entered into agreements with my mother, and with my mentor, about how I will act on the internet. "Spike" is a name that he calls me jokingly. It is an anatomical reference.

I live somewhat near the coast in the southern United States, in a town big enough to have two high schools. We get into the big city a couple of times a year, to an amusement park, a zoo, or a baseball/football game. There is also a massive shopping and commercial area nearby, so we are not too isolated in terms of culture and attitudes. Being near the coast provides economic advantages to the community, but we don't consider ourselves surfer dudes. I go to public school, and long ago had to assume responsibility for my own education. I am considered a computer geek at school, where the average IQ of teachers and students alike is about 90. I have my own bedroom, and the computer is totally mine, bought and paid for, and is off limits to Mom and my brothers.

Yes, I checked my birth certificate just last week. I do my best, as a writer, to relate to my intended audience (wise, mature, experienced adults) as clearly as I can. I really do understand that many boylovers seek out, or at least end up with, kids with less literacy or cultural awareness. That's great. Love where love is most needed. But please don't project your expectations onto me.

Money. The four of us get by on what Mom earns, and we have all done OK for ourselves considering. I am proud of the fact that I was not given anything except knowledge. With a little patience, and a lot of learning, I can do what I want to do. I struggle to pay for this phone line in my bedroom. Anything beyond that is impossible. Period.

Because they are very different. In who they are, how they approach life, and how they treat me. While unconditional love is appropriate within a family, I consider it protective (a bad word in my book) and coddling to insist that all of us be treated equally. Randy (11) has always been competitive. He loves nothing more than to kick a ball around, or to follow the crowd at school. He is well liked, has plenty of support outside the family, and is not wanting for emotional involvement (as superficial as it may be). He has no appreciation for individuality, integrity, knoweldge, or compassion. I don't want to hurt him, but I cannot ignore the differences between us. He makes his choices, I make mine. Kevin (8) is a beautiful, warm, intelligent kid that worships me (sometimes). I am the only older male that he has ever known. I feel a tremendous responsibility for Kevin. I spend a lot of time with him, and I believe that his personality is quite similar to my own. He is my hero, my chance to relive a time in my own life that was cut short, and I am going to make sure that he has every possible opportunity. I guess it's father/son type stuff, but I enjoy the feeling.

I am sorry. I try hard to appreciate poetry. My friends keep trying to tell me that I can enjoy the arts by simply letting myself go, getting into the feeling. They want so badly for me to share their poetry with them. But so far it has not been successful. While I enjoy a well-turned phrase, poetry leaves me cold. I am a scientist, a realist. No amount of superstition, politics, democracy, or culture is going to change the truth. I believe that ethics is relative. I believe that peace on the planet is possible only when we are willing to share. And that will not come about from within.

In my family, we don't do pictures a lot, but J did arrange for some nice ones to be taken almost a year ago. In his ignorance, he had them scanned by a scanning service that advertised in one of the newsgroups. My friends have found these shots occassionally on the web, in some very undignified places. Now I realize that everything on the web becomes public, in practice, but both my friends and I have experienced hurtful feelings because of these, and I no longer feel that my picture is part of what I write. I am sorry. Besides, now that Web-TV boxes are a hot item in my community, it is not wise to allow discovery by my classmates. You are free to imagine whatever you like.

Yes, since the age of 4. The great majority of it by myself. I don't know what you mean by sex. What I mean by sex is good feelings from my genitals. It is a glorious experience that should be encouraged throughout life, without restriction. Attempts to associate guilt and shame with sex are wholly without merit, the jesture of a society filled with fear of what it doesn't understand and can't control. I am told that as I mature, I will only want to experience these feelings in association with a deep commitment to one other person. This has not happened to me yet, and I am not looking forward to it. My personal yearnings are for intelligent females with a lot of experience and very little makeup. And red hair seems to be a plus. But when it comes to someone else's yearnings to give me pleasure, things are less restrictive. I do not agree with one friend who says that my fantasies are sleezy. I consider them to be creative, nothing more. If your question is asking whether I am experienced at hard-core, invasive intercourse, I am not. Nor is this the focus of my fantasy life. If your question is asking whether my genitals feel good when touched, they do.

No, the rules that I have agreed to don't allow it. Some offers would have been quite useful, some simple and unassuming, others generous beyond any expectation I may have had. I must turn them all down. This is cyberspace, things are different here, and I have much to say on the subject elsewhere. I am allowed the freedom I enjoy because of the rules that I have agreed to. This has nothing to do with your intentions. I appreciate the thought.

Yes, I will do whatever I can to help. I have had the opportunity a couple of times to correspond with another loved-boy (whether he realizes it or not) and I am sure that I have not hurt the situation. After a while, I ask my young friends to write something about how they feel, and I have a couple that I want to publish here on the site, to share with you. At the very least, web sites like mine and David's can be a conversation starter. Within the restrictions of my rules, I will do whatever I can to make things better for you and your friends.

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