Remailer Statistics

Up-to-the-minute statistics on the average condition of the various remailers are available at any of the following locations. There are three different systems that provide this service, and their results will vary somewhat. Obtaining any of the three will give you a good idea of what the conditions are for the last several days. Unfortunately, nothing other than testing will tell you whether your favorite remailer is up and running at this particular moment.

These sources, at the minimum, provide a list of remailers that may be working this month, along with complete listing of what they are capable of providing. You MUST choose only remailers that list cpunk in their capabilities, and do NOT list pgp only in their capabilities. All other remailers are not available to you without special software and training.

Then, the heart of these lists, is the up-to-the-minute statistics about which remailers are reliable and which are not. Each remailer is listed, along with message response times for the last 12 days, recent average delay times, and lastly an uptime reliability percentage. I consider this my primary guide to which remailers to depend on. Remember that your mail may be received and stored even if the remailer is not up. This may or may not suit your purpose. There are plenty of remailers above 98%.

Raph's statistics (Berkeley)

EFGA statistics (Electronic Freedom Georgia)

MIT statistics (MIT)

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